Tuesday, April 8, 2008


FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. -- Educators are up in arms in a meeting Monday night about a code of conduct that they say stretches outside the classroom.""I believe we need a code of ethics but this document as it is frightens me," one teacher said. Educator after educator echoed that same sentiment at a meeting in Fayetteville Monday night. Many said they are worried the code is too broad and will make it too easy to revoke a teacher's license for moral matters.""I think they had some points right on that we will definitely look into," said Beverly Williams of the Department of Education. Fifteen committee members wrote the draft of the code. They have been traveling the state to get input and said the meetings have been positive.
"We'll probably get into our jeans and t-shirts and sit down on the floor and get to work,” Williams said. That's what educators are hoping for. They want to see a re-worked version of a code of ethics instead of one that they called "frightening" Monday." as reported on 4029tv.com.

I BLOGGED about this a couple of days ago and thought it was absurd to begin with and that the Code of Ethics they had drafted was a JOKE......But I was thinking they were to LENIENT!!!!! I never thought of them to be FRIGHTENING......the only thing I see frightening is the fact that they are being quoted as "getting into our jeans and t-shirts"...blah, blah, blah.......first of all, let's make sure they are getting into their own jeans and not the students! I think that's what we're trying to accomplish here with a Code of SOMETHING......by all means, let's not frighten the poor teachers out of their SHIRTS!!!!!!!!


Virgil said...

For another view, see Hearing Tonight on Tricking Teachers.

Sally "COUGAR" Snoddy said...

All I get out of that is that the comments pretty much reflect that they ARE FRIGHTENED!!!! Frightened that they might be hit in the pocket and the closet! Enough all ready with the whining! They sound like a bunch of truck drivers in a cofee shop I used to go in to get sum chili-cheese fries on a hanker'n! Needless to say, the only thing good there was the chili-cheese fries! The ambiance sucked!

Anonymous said...

Big government and more rules won't keep teachers or anyone else out of anyone else's britches.