You know, I was watching this Saturday night and I had to pinch myself because I was in awe of what I was seeing on my big 52" screen. I THOUGHT IT WAS MYSELF!!!! I thought, "I CAN'T BE THERE!!! I'M HERE! ON THE COUCH....SURROUNDED BY EMPTY BOWLS OF ICE CREAM, POPCORN, CIGERETTE BUTTS, EMPTY PEARL LIGHT CANS! But then I remembered that Cousin Virg said something about the powers that Uncle Fergus left us about being in two places at once.......WHOOOOO!!! Scared me there for a minute because I didn't have any lipstick on! (sorry Virg about the Pearl Lite; I just had a 12 pack! I'll get back on track for the run.......)
Pearl Lite? Sally, how could you?
I told you "I'm Sorry!".....what else can I do other than go to confession and you know I've been cast out due to my unorthadox marriages to Ishmael, Ferdinand, the ohhhhhh to sexy Raphael and of course my dear live in, Milton. But have you read the ingredients on the can??? I thought I was doing good for the body.....?
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