Friday, April 18, 2008

O'bama's gett'n "Wimpy"....Just Let Hillary Wear the Pants

O.K.....I'm putt'n on my makeup this a.m. over coffee and my oatmeal and trying to wakeup and I start reading this article from Michael Hirsh; it's a good article about Obama being sorta "Kerryized" and all these sorts of name calling things; which he's referring to the bit where he's trying to defend his patriotism. Which, I for one, have yet to remain on the fence between Hillary and Obama just because I am one of those open minded people and will not make my mind up till I see who shows us what till the bitter end of the race. As for the primary, I did not vote because I felt I didn't have enough time to make a valid decision at that time. Truthfully..... right now, I really don't know why they don't team up and do the ticket together. I would really like to see these two in office.......don't get me wrong; I take this seriously and I really do think that they could be the best ticket in history and this is how I see it.....Hillary, with Obama as her VP. Sorry guys, but I'm not throwing the "burning bra" thing here, or "It's TIME FOR A WOMAN" card, and Lord knows I wasn't a part of the Women's Rights Movement in the 60's cuz I was only small tot! However, Mr. Hirsh points out some valid things even though he may be defending Mr. Obama and that is, in my opinion, that he's stuck in trying to defend his own honor and patiotism and we really don't have time for that......he has the right ideas and would make a great asset to the administration and PR king as far as I'm concerned. I can see him and Hillary flying all over the place in Airforce One and take'n on the new frontier! Also, couldn't you just see her bitch slapp'n him around if he got out of control and then him saying somethin' like, "Yo Mama!"......I bet they could really have some good cat fights in the oval office;and maybe it would escalate into one of those things where there fighting would turn into sexual rage and all of a sudden she rakes everything off the desk and he slams her down right there in the oval office on the desk; you know that would really take away all the pains and woes we endured over the blue dress and the cigar issues that are still embedded in our heads to this day........I'm scarred.........I want some bro's and hoe's!!!!!!!!!!

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