Monday, August 11, 2008

"The Story of My Life"......I think I missed something......

I'M CRUSHED!!!! As I was drinking my coffee this morning and draggin on my Swisher Sweet (there's noth'n like a good cup of java and a good swisher on a early Moanday morn......)I'm watchin' this 52" Sony blaring something about John Edwards and some woman gett'n it on......I was dumbfounded; stunned! Have I been comatose for 3 days or what? I looked at my night guest that I allow to sit in the leather recliner to protect their manhood (a recliner seems to make a man feel like a man......ya know what I mean?) anyway, I say to him "WHAT IN THE HECK IS GO'N ON?????" And he says....." yeah, she was a blond!" YEAH.....SHE WAS A BLOND! Those words just really don't get it for me or answer my questions....I think I have a better answer......HE'S A MAN! (And I'm not gonna say that this is just limited to this gender for strayin') But, again, what was he thinking when he's running for a national seat and his wife is suffering from cancer??? Could he have not held it in his pants for just awhile longer until this madness was all over before he just jumped in, both feet and screwed the to speak??? (because, darlin's; let's get real; she's no looker and why in the hell would he pick this out of the all the political groupies out there???) Unless...........there could be two scenarios here and here's one:
1. Has anyone read the book "The Story of My Life" by Jay McInerney.........evidently, she was one of the ones he based the book on.....seems like she's got the moves and grooves to tackle anything or anyone she wants when it comes to the party circuit......sounds like a FUN GIRL!!!!
2. Or, did he just need a shoulder to lean on and Ms. Hunter just HAPPENED to be there and listen when bad got bad; she was his rock? she was his ear? she was his everything that Mrs. Edwards' couldn't be while she was hooked up to the IV getting her Chemo????
I'm not passing judgement; I'm just appalled that I missed the Friday night confession......


Anonymous said...

Sally, his wife was in remission when the affair occured. Then when he told her it came back as incureable.I think if it was me that I would cut him and let him bleed out. The stress of him telling her is what caused it to come back. This is truly trying time. My heroes are going down the tube. I can't believe that Joel Osteen let his wife attack that stwertess, that is really going hurt him.

Sally "COUGAR" Snoddy said...

Anon: Less we forget, we truly only have one hero; and it is HIM.....or HER....(what ever your preference). I too, feel bad for all these fallen; but we should remember, they ARE human and probably have not a good Personal Doc that medicates them (Mrs. Osteen)properly.....