Wednesday, September 30, 2009

It WAS a Harmonic Convergence..............

I was listening to one of those MEDIA biggies or something of another the other day and I heard the discussion about a "Harmonic Convergence"; the Sun, Moon and six out of eight planets being part of the "grand trine", or as I would like to term it........just freak'n poetry in motion. Life being perfect; being in harmony with your inner self and whoever you want to be with or wherever you want to be in this world......... How do you know if you've ever experienced it........the Mayans think that they had it figured out.......but do we? There is probably this one time in your life that you really get happy; is it at the right time or is at the wrong time......another question posed to me; "in all your years of adulthood, how many of those years have you been truly happy?" I shudder to think of the years that I actually admitted out loud........not enough.....but will it be enough.......Again, I read today on the front page of the MSN page about "Happiness Being Overated" with Julia Baird's rendition of her take on the female perception of happiness and how it has evolved from the feminist movement since 1972.....We ARE SOME UNHAPPY BITCHES!!!!! Bluntly put! We've had to conform to what society has expected us to be and and not what we want to be.......In Julia's article she also sites Barbara Ehrenreich's book, Bright-Sided: How Relentless Promotion of Positive Thinking Has Undermined America, calls positive thinking a "mass delusion." She argues that an unrelenting drive to train our brains to overlook problems and blame ourselves for failures has blinded us to inequality, incompetence, and stupidity. hummmmm.....................................all i know is I've been looking for a long time.......and in a brief instance, I thought I had the power to quit blaming myself for my incompetence and stupidity and stand up for let the moons take me into that harmonic convergence and let the planets fall where they may........I was riding my own emotions and feeling good about my strength........ I know I'm strong and I know I'm a good person (even though I like a little Bailey's in my java and a good swisher every now and then.......) but society gets in the way of my life........Give me strength to be a complainer and to get what I want in life no matter what anybody thinks.........I'm tired of conforming....... :) Luv! Peace Out!


hammerin' hank said...

Hey Sally,

You are such a super erotic cougar babe. I don't know anything about this convergence shit, but I'm young and verile, and I love me some cougar!!! How young will you go?

Sally "COUGAR" Snoddy said...

You wouldn't be "THE HANK" from "Californication" would you???? SUCH LUCK!!! Hanky poo....if ya have to're too young!!! Go play in the sand pile!!!!