Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Somebody HELP ME!!!! WHAT TO DO!!! I'm starting to get a litttle FREAK'D OUT!!! What am I going to do without my "Boston Legal" after next week???? It's the only thing that takes me away from the daily bullshit that I so have to deal with in the world of politics and men.....I lay in bed and laugh hysterically at these characters and wish to my sick little self that I really, really was in that office of "Crane Pool and Schmidt"....The Firm! I'd luv it!!!! I know it's not like that in the real world, but it's fun to dream and dream I do!!!! That's what I should have been, a lawyer.....more of an Erin Brockovich type, actually.....but with the degree to boot! That's what I am in my mind and, I guess, it's just another one of my sick little alter egos! But with a major, major underwire, push-up bra and some long-ass legs that just cut it up to here! You know- the kind that get Denny and Alan going like no other........I wept last night....wept for Denny.......when Alan got his case to the Supreme Court I was so excited (see how sick I am????)! This is some crazy stuff and I'm on the crazy train to Mad Cow town! But I have to bask in the last few moments with these guys because if I had Mad Cow and I had one last wish before I signed off to the real world of reality, I would wish that I could walk down the halls of Crane Pool and Schmidt and strut my stuff with some kick-ass cleavage spark'n thru a tight fitting suit with some major HOT Manolo Blahnik's click'n some steps off........WHOOO! I'm make'n myself hot just think'n about it........RIDE SALLY RIDE!!!!!!!!!
name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/F4bVAbqGh5Y&hl=en&fs=1"><

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Still undefeated.