Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Well, the news reports are reporting that the History Maker, Barack OBama has peaked??? PEAKED???? I was reading an article this a.m. over my 100th cup of coffee, and it was mighty fine coffee, if I say so myself, and this article was going on about how after the DNC (Dem. Nat'l Conv.), that Mr. Obama had did a little bounce; that is, he had bounced about 4% up in the polls over McCain; however, not knowing whats going to happen with the Republican National Convention, reports are showing that he may have PEAKED!!! That's it.....He beat Kerry in his bounce after the Dem Conv; but for the record, trails behind Clinton and even DOLE after they hit the DNC!!!!!! DOLE?????!!! Hummmm.........makes you wonder what the woman strategy McCain has pulled over Obama may have done......surely to goodness this Palin woman, who has said to have been treated "with kid gloves by the Alaskan press" and it's reported by the Alaskan press that she is reluctant and is known for avoiding meetings that involve deep discussion of policy and issues. Hummmmm.....again! Sounds like a female McCain when ask about Viagra!!!!! Oh well, like I said before; I'll be glad when this is all over and done because the crap just keeps gett'n deeper in MY book and I've yet to see anything that impresses me in this whole campaign.........(Thanks to Ishmael Melville for the pic.....I thought it was a great pic and his blog is also quite interesting, to say the least.....http://www.kodiakkonfidential.blogspot.com/)

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