Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Grant Tolley is Sally's New BFF!!!!!!

I'm very passionate about my football........for those of you who didn't know! And I often read the sports section in two of the tangible papers that my big metro-opilis (word?) has access to.......that being the SW Times Record and the Arkansas Democrat Gazette. But I was never so moved......and I mean MOVED when I read Mr. Tolley's Commentary last Wednesday about a little controversy going on in the Arkansas River Valley and 3-A Division, High School Football Playoffs!!!!!! It made the "Earth, Move....under my Feet!" I got down right giddy as I read and read this article!
Lamar Vs. AAA: Who Wins, Who Loses? (click on this link to get the full read-this IS some good stuff!!!!) It don't get better than this when it comes to nailin' the those big ASS whiners out there that always are think'n that they are bigger, better and above all, holier than thou when it comes to the rule books of ANY sport!!!!!! I loved it........my heart went pitter, patter with every prose he wrote and I salivated on "It's about time the little guy won something against the monolithic evil of administrative red tape!" and "Paris officials didn't like it and they sure griped about it, but they didn't get a slick country lawyer and file a grievance." and the ULTIMATE BIG OHHHHH!- "Maybe Paris should get a lawyer to file an injunction to force the Paris-Lamar game to be played over again?"
Mr. Tolley: I'm in awe of you........"you lit up my life" for just a brief second in this world of non-policy driven people that don't want to play by the rules and "everyone is a winner" kind of bull. I guess I'm old school or something, but I can remember when there was a rule in school or on the playing field; you went by it and you didn't have this scream'n parent or scream'n coach making a spectacle of themselves out there and setting the standard for the kids watch'n them. All the while, that kid's think'n "he's my hero!!!!" Well, now......unfortunately, we have to deal with all these little kids that have now grown into adults that, for some ungodly reason, felt they got the raw end of the deal back in the 70's or the 80's! And it sounds to me like they have all moved to Lamar!!!!!

****JUST SO WE'RE CLEAR.....I'm old enough to remember when Lamar didn't even know what a FOOTBALL WAS!!!!!!! ALL THEY KNEW HOW TO DO WAS BOUNCE A BASKETBALL, and I admit, they were pretty scrappy back in the day!!!!! Wouldn't it be sad if their sports program had to take a step back in time to the OLD DAYS!????!! I'm just sayin'...................Peace Out!!!!!!

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