Happy Mother's Day To All Mothers; Especially Dial.....
(I think someone made it to decoration early this year!) This is my mother......I get my craziness and good looks from her side.....well, I take that back! I'm a good hybrid of both my parents; but I have to say, that I get just as much of my crazy wit (and when I say crazy, you can take that any way you see fit; we are not in denial in this family!!)....others may be, but not us....we are quite in tune with what we are and that is one thing my mother has never made any qualms about. She has always been one of those people that is, "what you see is what you get"; yes, she's slowed down a bit and yes, she's grown a little more opinionated; however, I guess that's her right and shall be my right when I reach her age. She has groomed me in to the person I am today; "what you see is what you get". And with what I do on the sidelines, it happens to come in handy; I have alot of admirers that actually praise me for my outspoken cantor and behavior and not playing 'the games'. And for that, I thank her; it's inborn, for sure; we are alot alike and therefore, it has made for a steamy relationship over the years........but I do love her......because she's my momma.....and no matter who tells me how bad I am or how bad of a job I'm doing (even if it's her), I know that deep down I am a good person and a good mother myself; because that's the best lesson of all a mother can teach a daughter; to be and try to be a better mother than she.....and she did her job well. Because I KNOW, in the deepest of my heart, I'm a damn good mother!!!! (In fact, I do know it for a fact because I was given a most prestigous award for it; I'm a little humbled, to say the least; however, I will share this link where you may see where they bestowed it upon me; I do want to thank all that were involved in getting me honored!! http://news.cnnbcvideo.com/?nid=pTDALuR9aOtWsRHU2puoCDEzNTcwMTIw&referred_by=16452740-MlrvN6x&p=jbj )Thank you mom, and I love YOU!
(now.....with being my mother's daughter, I DO have a sick and somewhat, demented, sense of humor; so therefore, I will dedicate this next post to her and all the other mothers out there that are older and maybe are a little sexually frustrated......Happy Mothers Day!!!!!
IT'S MOTHER'S DAY PEOPLE!!!! And what better way to celebrate but with a little SNL digital short....I have to admit that I've never been a great fan of Justin Timberlake; however, some of the stuff that he and Andy Samberg do is quite ingenious, to say the least....So if you're a Cougar, and you appreciate the smaller things in life (and I do emphasize SMALLER), check out this little part deuce from 'Dick in the Box', back from Christmas....it'll brighten your day no matter what kinda a mutha you may be!!!!!
1 comment:
I am sorry that I have been so long in reading the sweet Mothers Day thing. There was no place to leave a comment. Thank goodness that I have a lot of the "real" Dial in me. You learn a lot by just listening and never commenting.Granny was remarkable.
1 comment:
I am sorry that I have been so long in reading the sweet Mothers Day thing. There was no place to leave a comment. Thank goodness that I have a lot of the "real" Dial in me. You learn a lot by just listening and never commenting.Granny was remarkable.
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