Monday, July 7, 2008

Sorry.....but today is a sad day......

Children should not lose parents at an early age......believe me, I've seen what it can do to a little girl....but she turned out o.k..(really, you did!!!) But, it's just not right for a parent to lose a child before they's the hardest thing to watch parents go thru and my heart aches for parents when they lose a child....I've seen it all too often and it has hit so close to home more times than I can count, that I pray daily that my kids and my friends kids are safely watched upon daily on their travels....But nevertheless, we lose another. Parents will mourn this week and we will mourn with them....this shall to will pass? It never passes.....each day, you wake up, and it's there and they're not....but you deal! We love you all and we are thinking about each and every parent, child that has had a loss and I hope and pray that it never happens to me! Peace and love......Out.

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