Saturday, June 7, 2008


From the New York Times Op-Ed Columnist
What Hillary Won
Published: June 7, 2008

This is a good editorial; it really kind of made me weepy even though it's been a kind of "weepy" week for me anyway! Goddette forbid any MAN see me weep, but I've had a hard, damn week and last night really topped it off. I'm sitting in a Chinese restaurant and I've stuffed my face and it's down to the fortune cookie......I open it and it reads something like" Your mouth may be moving today, but no one is listening!" Well, in a man's world, hellooooo??!!!! That little piece of paper ain't tell'n me somethin' I ain't all ready figured out by now! By reading what Gail Collins has to say about Hillary has done for us, kind of made me sympathize with half of what Hillary probably has had to endure for the most part of her campaign, let alone her life. But I've all ready covered that in another post as being the good wife and standing behind your man crap and look'n pretty.........Gail writes "Clinton is very much a product of the generation that accepted a certain amount of humiliation as the price of progress. She wrote in her autobiography that when she ran for president of her high-school class against several boys, one of them told her she was “really stupid” if she thought a girl could be elected president. She lost, and later, the winner asked her to head a committee “which as far as I could tell was expected to do most of the work.” She swallowed hard, accepted and, she admitted, really liked organizing all the school parades and dances and pep rallies. This is one of the things you have to admire about Hillary Clinton. She still enjoys the work. Over the past months, Clinton has seemed haunted by the image of the “nice girl” who gives up the fight because she’s afraid the boys will be angry if they don’t get their way. She told people she would never, ever say: “I’m the girl, I give up.” She would never let her daughter, or anybody else’s daughter, think that she quit because things got too tough. And she never did. Nobody is ever again going to question whether it’s possible for a woman to go toe-to-toe with the toughest male candidate in a race for president of the United States. Or whether a woman could be strong enough to serve as commander in chief. " You know, I can just imagine how many nights she has laid in bed and cried her eyes out.....and don't laugh....and if you are laughing, you're probably a man......because let me tell ya, it's a bitch when you're the "token bitch" of the campaign, the table, the committee, or the board. It ain't no fun cuz you're usually the one that asks the hard ball questions while the other dead dicks just sit there with their thumbs up their butts.......but of course, that's just from my experience and my HUMBLE opinion............."Her campaign didn’t resolve whether a woman who seems tough enough to run the military can also seem likable enough to get elected. But she helped pave the way. So many battles against prejudice are won when people get used to seeing women and minorities in roles that only white men had held before. By the end of those 54 primaries and caucuses, Hillary had made a woman running for president seem normal. Her campaign was messy, and it made some fatal tactical errors. But nobody who sent her a donation could accuse her of not giving them their money’s worth." As I sit here and wait for her to give her concession speech (and drink my bloody mary and drag on my swisher sweet ever so slowly), I will reflect on all she has done for us bitches out in the Political World and raise my glass and say a "Hail Hillary" fact, I'll probably "Hail Hillary" several drinks through out the day..............Take a bow, Hillary.........

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