Tuesday, June 3, 2008


Sunday, a storm blew through the town and surrounding community of Paris, population of around 3700 and just about blew everyone away; literally. Trees that had been in the town for years are now of only a thing of the past as they are being chain sawed and drug away for fire wood and ruin. But amazingly the town has pulled together and they were hopefull they could get thru this thing without casualties. With an electric crew of three, contract labor was brought in to help restore thousands back to their easy ways of life with electric energy. But unfortunately, it wasn't that easy. A young husband and father was electrocuted earlier today while working to restore power to the city of Paris. Several other crew members were severely injured. It's being described as a terrible accident. Workers for C&N Electric, Power and Line Construction were cutting debris away from a downed power line. Why this had to happen is a big question that is haunting me right now.......when people are reaching out to help others and are trying to help them gain back their "take for granted" quality of life, why must life be taken? A slip of the finger; a careless descision; a sleepless night and fatigue to the descision process???? The questions are all raised and only there is only one that can, I guess, answer the true question.......and that's one that's higher than us. Never the less, the thankless jobs that these people do when in need of repair for tragic times as these; we don't need to forget that they are putting their lives on the line to get us a little "relief" from that hot muggy day, or having to run down somewhere to get another bag of ice to put on our beer and bologna.......And not to mention, the next time you call the city office and bitch that you don't have your limbs picked up cuz "JOE BLOW" is out there gett'n his first, remember; it's a small town and it's amazing that one of your sons or fathers or brothers or sisters weren't laying on that ground dying to get your A/C going..........It's bad enough that it was a neighbor that has no attachment to the city is gone now and his child is wondering why he was over there in that "other town" working anyway???!!!! I feel deeply for the families and the mothers of this crew. thanks to KFSM for Pic and link for the story....

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