Tuesday, May 13, 2008


YAYA'S MUST ARISE AND BE ONE!!!! Can the sisterhood save Hillary?
Jeanne Cummings Tue May 13, 6:06 AM ET
Can the sisterhood save Hillary Rodham Clinton again?Once again, women are rallying to her eleventh-hour call for aid, especially of the financial sort. But, barring a miracle, the New York senator's historic bid to become the first female president is in its final acts.
I never thought I would actually be in this group for Hillary, but now, as it comes down to the wire, I'm feeling a little vaclemped over the fact that she may just not pull this one out! What happened? Where's the sisterhood and all the Billy lovers that were suppose to follow HIM into this shining light?? Where did it all go wrong.........Maybe she got a little too sure of herself.....maybe some men got in the way of the token bitch that might just finally be the front runner and FINALLY be HEAD of the table???? I think I'm going to go with that scenerio because in a world of politics and men that have driven this car for years, the good woman is suppose to be standing behind the successful man and in all actuallity, that probably is how Billy Boy got where he is today and Ronnie Reagan, F.D. Roosevelt, and of course Carter. But, never the less, they're gonna somehow put us right back where we're suppose to be and that's at second seat; right stage and that other blah, blah......smile and look pretty now! Support and always, no matter what, always look your best! Because if you say anything that might be derogatory or somewhat bitter or slanderous or even, heaven help us, TRUE about politics, you might come off as a BITCH! So sit there and look pretty for us Hillary! You've fought the fight and fight you have done! Even if Bill has made an ass of himself trying to get your views across.......especially in that bright, yellow clown suit he should have left home that day when he was chastising someone in the crowd; where were you when he picked that suit out, anyway???? You had to be somewhere on the other side of the spectrum because I know you wouldn't have let your dog out wearing that garb!!! I'm gonna say a Hell Mary for you and pray to Saint Jude ,When all other avenues are closed, he is the one to call upon, and his help often comes at the last moment.


Anonymous said...

Bite your tongue girl, Your Mama raised you better than this. You know that one could hire a hit man and her problems would be over. She's done it before. Quit listening to your right-winged relatives.

Virgil said...
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Virgil said...

Anon 12:38:
I agree about not listening to right wing relatives, but Sally's Mama has never hired a hit man. She always did the job herself. Wise of you to omit you're name.