Tuesday, December 8, 2009

BOO HOO "Tiny Tim" TEBOW!!!!!!!!

I guess I'm cold hearted........but if this was my son I would have beat him senseless! There is no reason for this shameless display of overacting drama on the boys field! I thought they were suppose to be tuff? Indestructible? Destroyers? When asked what Tebow was going to remember most in Florida.......his respons"Everything!" Hummmm......wonder what that consists of? I know he's somone's son and all......heck! I've even taken up for the poor bastards that can't kick field goals when they are put in the pinch........but you don't see them out there cryin' and want'n a little face time with the camera like Mr. Tiny Tim Tebow! What a puss........sorry........I guess I'm a little bitter these days..........can't stand to sit there and see an arrogant, "full of himself" man cry..........kind of like 'crocodile tears' to me! Peace Out!!!!!!!

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