Friday, October 23, 2009


You I sit here on my 47th Birthday....yeah 47!!!! and reflect on what and why and where I've been and what I've seen and I've what I've done......I'm thinkin' that it could have been could have been better.......but in all honesty, the only thing I know today is that the TRUTH will set you free. It's true that I'm 47 years young today and it's true that I'm STILL GET'N IT DONE!!!!!!! But the best thing about today is that I know that for once in my life I'm not lieing to NO ONE.......Not even myself!!! Best Birthday Gift Ever!!!!! My therapist....yes my therapist (doesn't everyone have one????) tells me that truth is the beginning of the healing and I truly think this educated female knows what she's talking about!! Women are funny about hiding behind a mask at times in their lives and they often put on a poker face for this reason or that.....whether it's for show-hiding an abusive relationship-keeping up with the Jones'-or just down right pride-but let me tell ya! It's not healthy for the psyche, that's for sure, because you find yourself lost in a world you don't even know and you don't even recognize yourself in the mirror after a few years! But this morning.........I knew..........I looked ME straight in the eye and I actually LIKED WHAT I SAW!!!! And I don't think I've EVER thought that.......wrote it.....or said it out loud in my ENTIRE life!!!! So this is BIG for me.......MAJOR!!!!! I'm healing........the truth shall set you free.......and free I am.......and the good thing about it is I'm still a hot cougar still get'n it done and damn proud of it!!!!!!!! (This video ain't NO cougar, but it's a sweet little pussy cat singing to ME!!!!)


David Franks said...

Sorry I didn't get to spank you.

Sally "COUGAR" Snoddy said...

I'm sorry for YOU! SPANK ON YOU!!!!

Jonah said...
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