Tuesday, January 6, 2009

2009: Let's get this year started! QUOTE OF THE DAY.............

The novelist Rebecca West said, "I myself have never been able to find out precisely what feminism is; I only know that people call me a feminist whenever I express sentiments that differentiate me from a doormat or a prostitute." And my, my.......how often I find this ringing too terribly too close to my little bitty blessed ears! And with that......we start off the NEW YEAR!!!!


I know ya'll have missed me........I've been in seclusion: for you see, it's been a long and lustful, drawn out, continuous New Year's Party......and quite frankly, I'm sick of it! I've hid myself from the T.V......Radio......and news media and what so ever, just to get away from the CRACK HEADS of all the B.S. that we (and yes, I admit it: WE) prey upon to find something to blog about.......I'm worn out......but yet feel a sense of a new beginning in this year of '09! The only thing I did sneak a peak at was the Cotton Bowl the other day........and it was just for about 30 minutes right at the end.....and it was just as well because something started rumbling in my stomach and I thought I was going to throw up when I saw Houston Nutt being interviewed after the game in the "Winner's Ring" (if you will; that's so......I don't know how to put it.....) anyway, up on that pedestal.....uh oh......there again.....just don't make sense to say pedestal and Houston Nutt in the same sentence! See.....I can't stay focused when it comes to him: anyway did anyone see the look in his eye when the blond sports announcer was asking him those questions????? Did ya see it....the little twinkle.......I know what he was thinking ........

"God, I want to TEXT YOU!!!!!!" He had that come hither look and I know he was caressing his buttons on his phone in his pocket!!! What's strange is I was walking through a casino after that and a lady from Kentucky was beside me and made mention about how we "shouldn't have let Nutt Go!".........I paused and at first was thinking, "why in the heck does she care....she's from Kentucky!" and then she goes on to say how Petrino is an "Asshole"! I just said, "Honey....they're all assholes........but ya got to remember; I'd rather have an asshole that sticks to just the players and the game than an asshole that likes to play the game and think about the plays later...........!" She was blond (not that there's anything wrong with that), but I don't really think she got what I was saying.........she might eventually.

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