Hillary, Sarah and Michelle! It's been a long
2 years of campaigning, to say the least.
However, I think the females of the campaign have been an inspiration to all of the females of this country; because, without them, for one, we wouldn't have the hope of one day,
having a perfect United States of America!
And the reason I say that is because, with all due respect to the men of this campaign,
I do honestly believe that woman, by far, out did the men when it came to poise, integrity and composure when it came to the campaign! They made me proud and gave me hope that more women will step up into the political rat race and maybe, JUST MAYBE, we will have an outpouring of estrogen that will infiltrate the political spectrum and basically, take it over! I know I'm reaching somewhat; however, I feel that women are more productive and courageous in their fights for their cause! And they seem to do it without being......well.......let me just say......a stupid horses ass! And they also seem to stick to their guns (Sarah; no pun intended to!) when it comes to the issues at hand. Oh yes; some of you (men) may say "Hillary changed her agenda, how many times???" Well, there's always a reason for everything that a woman does; and of course, we can always say "I'm a woman and that gives me the right to change my mind!". But actually, it's usually because we do our homework and we multi-task in our daily lives and see that things can change in issues and sometimes change is good! But the beauty of the woman on changing her mind is that she will admit it and explain it......men have a tendency to do the 'Ol' Shuck and Jive' and that really slays me! So with that.....my hat is off to the women of the campaign.....it's over and let the new frontier begin! It may not be what some voted for; however, change can be good and let's embrace and look ahead! Poise, Integrity and Composure.......those 3 things are a hard walk to walk in the political world and even in daily life....let's embrace and try it! I try daily and it's damn hard!!!! (by the way, I'm wearing an UP-DOO in honor of Palin today just for her courage!)
Peace Out!!!!! and GOD BLESS AMERICA!
I'm proud of um too. What's an up-doo?
Virgil....please....don't toy with me! I know you're smarter than this....Sarah's hair?? Her Up-Doo??! And no, that's not a bird's nest on her head....that's an 'up-doo'!
Is Michelle's a Down-doo?
You really need take a class on "Up-Doos 101"....Michelle's is a "Get Down-Brown Doo!!" My Godette, do I really have to walk you thru life?
What's a Voo-doo look like?
Well, I'd rather not say on a public forum; however, that leads us back to "Up-Doos 101"....you would need that class first before moving on to "Va-gigi Doos 2+3"....and please, No More Questions! It's apparent that you are not in touch with the 'feminine side' of ANYTHING!!! Poor Mary!
Sally, Sally, how could you possibly have forgotten about Kennedy of the Green Party. She has a Down Doo like Michele.
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