Saturday, April 24, 2010

Have You Ever Loved a Mutt???? Bryan Adams can explain it.....

You never know what you just might fall in 'Love With'.....You never know what might inspire you to may not know what might just make your little heart go "pitter/patter"! But Dog, Gone It!!!!! Let's get real, can always depend on a best friend of the friend of the friend.......the loyal mutt!

He or SHE may be a mutt....but they will be loyal......steady......devoted........ALWAYS GLAD TO SEE YA!!!!! and even lick you when you have a dirty face (or other parts...that are quite embarrassing!!!!!) But at the end of the know that Bitch or Stud ( the words of "Bob Barker" of the 'Price is Right'~~~~(After he became a noted animal rights advocate in the early 1980's , Barker signed off each broadcast with the public-service message,) "Help control the pet population—have your pets spayed or neutered!" yep.....good ol' Bob!.....Bob will be there too! But the mutt will to.......when you least expect it......because......"they not what they do; because, believe me.....I know it when it's true!" Wolf....Wolf.....Peace Out! Luv!

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